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Everything posted by Dinscore

  1. Check out the Crash Script live stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMf6_COBsVU Don't forget to like and subscribe so I can get more views and maybe drag a few people down here to play with us.
  2. I looked into VSPs briefly yesterday. You 1000% right. That's a way better option than using my own computer. I was thinking about getting a second internet service so if one went down I could use the other. I like the idea of a host server way better. At least you didn't lose it! I thought I was going to get tanked. I had two losses in on green balls followed by 12 reds yesterday. Crash 15 was a 2.0?, my target's 2.1. Crash 16 was red. My final bet right now is on the 17th loss. I thought it was over. 17 hit!!! Winning. It my best day as far as percentage gains go. Almost 8% on the day. I think its best if I don't watch. LMAO I was going to add your percentage based starting bet to the script so I don't have to adjust my starting bet each day. But my Dad goes to his oncologist and was rushed to the hospital from there. Fucking old guy keeps parting, just won't slow down for shit. But who can blame him. If you told me I had brain and lung cancer I'd probably be snorting coke and drinking my crown royal too. That should of been enough but no, God has other plans doesn't he. My niece was diagnosed with Tay Sachs at 2 months. She just had her second b-day and went in for her check up yesterday. She was also rushed to the hospital. She got her feeding tube so this is the final stretch for her. Yesterday was one of those fuck me days. It was just a lot to deal. I don't mean to sound cold but other peoples emotions are draining. Anyways I'm going to get it updated so I can let the script run 24/7. I need to figure out the VSP thing. I did see a video on UBubble but when I went to their site it looks like they're out of business. Even their Youtube videos they have embeded into their site are deleted from Youtube. I think there's a bit more research to be done. I really do appreciate your help and insite.
  3. I was just going to use OBS Studio to share my screen. I have a desk top that is not being used. I did wipe it. Honestly I thought that's all I'd have to do. Using a webservice sounds like it may take a little more work but probably would make everything easier in the long run. on a side note. Spectrum internet went out in my area last night for four hours. Could I play the game from the host server? I'm going to be so late getting into the office this morning. Your going to have me stuck on google all morning. Thanks
  4. @Skele you are awesome. Wish I could change my referral code honestly you’ve be the most help on this forum. I’m thinking of live streaming the crash bot script 24/7. I think it would be awesome if the spreadsheet updated after every crash instead of me entering it manually once I get home.
  5. NICE!!! That was the first time I've ever written a script. I had no idea I could have it track my wins and losses. I've been entering that shit manually each day. I will be adding that to my script. On the 13 losses in a row. I love them. I make more money per win when I get a long losing streak. Over the last two weeks, since I started playing this game, I've noticed that when my win ratio drops down to 35% my profit per win is much higher and my overall daily percentage gain is almost 5%. Most days I do 3.5% - 4%. I do use a spread sheet and make sure that my minimum bet can be doubled 20 times before I get tanked. Tiny bets but I haven't lost since I raised it to 20. I started with .255 EOS as of today I have almost tripled that. I am not going to deposit anything else. I want to see if I can get that .255 EOS to 10,000 EOS by Dec 1st of next year. Right now I'm on track to have 330,222 at the end of one year. FINGERS CROSSED Do you know of a way I could have the results print to my spread sheet?
  6. // The Cookie Monster script. // created by Cookie High <-- Loves tips // This script gives you multiple options for both your bets and your payouts on both wins and losses. // Play around with the settings and find what works for you best. // // The defaults settings are the ones I am useing. I have ran it for 5 days. // I have an average daily return of 3.96%. I notice the days where my win percentage is lower I have retuns // closer to 5%. // // Don't bet more than you can lose. With a 2.1% payout my minimum bet can be doubled 20 times before I go // broke. The longes losing streak I have seen is 13. Give your self plenty of room and you are less likely // to loss it all. // // Bot safely and go make some money!!! // Dont forget to friend and tip me. var config = { scriptTitle: {label: 'This script was compiled by Cookie High. Tips are greatly apprciated! Now go make it rain!', type: 'title'}, baseBet: {label: 'Starting Bet:', value: currency.minAmount, type: 'number'}, maxBet: {label: 'Maximum Bet:', value: 10000, type: 'number'}, minBet: {label: 'Minimum Bet:', value: 0, type: 'number'}, stopBet: {label: 'Stop if Bet is Greater Than:', value: 1e8, type: 'number'}, basePayout: {label: 'Starting Payout:', value: 2.1, type: 'number'}, maxPayout: {label: 'Maximum Payout:', value: 10, type: 'number'}, minPayout: {label: 'Minimum Payout:', value: 2, type: 'number'}, stopPayout: {label: 'Stop if Payout is Greater Than:', value: 1e8, type: 'number'}, winRepeat: {label: 'Reset After Win Streak of:', value: 2, type: 'number'}, onBetLossTitle: {label: 'Loss Bet Settings', type: 'title'}, onBetLoss: {label: '', value: '3', type: 'radio', options: [ {value: '0', label: 'Return to Starting Bet'}, {value: '1', label: 'Add to Bet'}, {value: '2', label: 'Subtract From Bet'}, {value: '3', label: 'Multiply Bet By'}, {value: '4', label: 'Divide Bet By'} ] }, addBetLoss: { label: 'Increase Bet By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, subBetLoss: { label: 'Decrease Bet By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, mulBetLoss: { label: 'Multiply Bet By:', value: 2, type: 'number' }, divBetLoss: { label: 'Divide Bet By:', value: 1, type: 'number' }, onPayoutLossTitle :{label: 'Loss Payout Settings', type: 'title'}, onPayoutLoss: {label: '', value: '0', type: 'radio', options: [ {value: '0', label: 'Return to Starting Payout'}, {value: '1', label: 'Add to Payout'}, {value: '2', label: 'Subtract From Payout'}, {value: '3', label: 'Multiply Payout By'}, {value: '4', label: 'Divide Payout By'} ] }, addPayoutLoss: { label: 'Increase Payout By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, subPayoutLoss: { label: 'Decrease Payout By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, mulPayoutLoss: { label: 'Multiply Payout By:', value: 1, type: 'number' }, divPayoutLoss: { label: 'Divide Payout By:', value: 1, type: 'number' }, onBetWinTitle: {label: 'Win Bet Settings', type: 'title'}, onBetWin: {label: '', value: '0', type: 'radio', options: [ {value: '0', label: 'Return to Starting Bet'}, {value: '1', label: 'Add to Bet'}, {value: '2', label: 'Subtract From Bet'}, {value: '3', label: 'Multiply Bet By'}, {value: '4', label: 'Divide Bet By'} ] }, addBetWin: { label: 'Increase Bet By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, subBetWin: { label: 'Decrease Bet By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, mulBetWin: { label: 'Multiply Bet By:', value: 1, type: 'number' }, divBetWin: { label: 'Divide Bet By:', value: 1, type: 'number' }, onPayoutWinTitle :{label: 'Win Payout Settings', type: 'title'}, onPayoutWin: {label: '', value: '3', type: 'radio', options: [ {value: '0', label: 'Return to Starting Payout'}, {value: '1', label: 'Add to Payout'}, {value: '2', label: 'Subtract From Payout'}, {value: '3', label: 'Multiply Payout By'}, {value: '4', label: 'Divide Payout By'} ] }, addPayoutWin: { label: 'Increase Payout By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, subPayoutWin: { label: 'Decrease Payout By:', value: 0, type: 'number' }, mulPayoutWin: { label: 'Multiply Payout By:', value: 2, type: 'number' }, divPayoutWin: { label: 'Divide Payout By:', value: 1, type: 'number' }, } function main (){ var baseBet = config.baseBet.value; var maxBet = config.maxBet.value; var minBet = config.maxBet.value; var basePayout = config.minPayout.value; var maxPayout = config.maxPayout.value; var minPayout = config.minPayout.value; var currentBet = config.baseBet.value; var currentPayout = config.basePayout.value; var onBetWin = config.onBetWin.value; var addBetWin = config.addBetWin.value; var subBetWin = config.subBetWin.value; var mulBetWin = config.mulBetWin.value; var divBetWin = config.divBetWin.value; var onPayoutWin = config.onPayoutWin.value; var addPayoutWin = config.addPayoutWin.value; var subPayoutWin = config.subPayoutWin.value; var mulPayoutWin = config.mulPayoutWin.value; var divPayoutWin = config.divPayoutWin.value; var onBetLoss = config.onBetLoss.value; var addBetLoss = config.addBetLoss.value; var subBetLoss = config.subBetLoss.value; var mulBetLoss = config.mulBetLoss.value; var divBetLoss = config.divBetLoss.value; var onPayoutLoss = config.onPayoutLoss.value; var addPayoutLoss = config.addPayoutLoss.value; var subPayoutLoss = config.subPayoutLoss.value; var mulPayoutLoss = config.mulPayoutLoss.value; var divPayoutLoss = config.divPayoutLoss.value; var stopPayout = config.stopPayout.value; var stopBet = config.stopBet.value; var winRepeatCount = config.winRepeat.value var winRepeatSet = 1 var winRepProvision = 0 var gameStatus = 1 var gameCounter = 1 game.onBet = function () { log.success('Placing Bet For: ' + currentBet + ', At Payout: '+ currentPayout) game.bet(currentBet, currentPayout).then(function (payout) {if (payout > 1) {if(!gameStatus) {counterReset(true)} log.success('Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!') gameStarter(onBetWinSwitch(onBetWin),onPayoutWinSwitch(onPayoutWin)) } else {if(gameStatus) {gameStatus--} winRepCountReset(true) log.error('We lost that one.') gameStarter(onBetLossSwitch(onBetLoss),onPayoutLossSwitch(onPayoutLoss)) gameCounter++ } }) function gameStarter(calculatedBet, calculatedPayout) {if (currentBet > stopBet) {log.error('The bot was stopped because the max bet was reached!'); game.stop();} else if (currentPayout > stopPayout) {log.error('The bot was stopped because the max payout was reached!'); game.stop();} currentBet = calculatedBet currentPayout = calculatedPayout } function onBetWinSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return baseBet break; case '1': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet } else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet + (addBetWin) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet + (addBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; case '2': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet - (subBetWin) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet - (subBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; case '3': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet * (mulBetWin) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet * (mulBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; case '4': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return baseBet} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentBet / (divBetWin) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet / (divBetWin) } } } else {return baseBet} break; } } function onPayoutWinSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return basePayout break; case '1': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout } else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout + (addPayoutWin) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout + (addPayoutWin) } } } else {return basePayout} break; case '2': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout - (subPayoutWin) < minPayout) {return minPayout, log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout - (subPayoutWin) } } } else {return basePayout} break; case '3': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout * (mulPayoutWin) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout * (mulPayoutWin) } } } case '4': if(!gameStatus) {if(!winRepeatCount) {gameStatus++ winRepCountReset(true) return basePayout} else {winRepeatCount-- winRepProvision++ winRepeatSet-- {if (currentPayout / (divPayoutWin) < minPayout) {return minPayout, log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout / (divPayoutWin) } } } else {return basePayout} break; } }} function onBetLossSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return baseBet break; case '1': {if (currentBet + (addBetLoss) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet + (addBetLoss)} break; case '2': {if (currentBet - (subBetLoss) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet - (subBetLoss)} break; case '3': {if (currentBet * (mulBetLoss) > maxBet) {return maxBet, log.error('Maximum bet reached!')} else return currentBet * (mulBetLoss)} break; case '4': {if (currentBet / (divBetLoss) < minBet) {return minBet, log.error('Minimum bet reached!')} else return currentBet / (divBetLoss)} break; } } function onPayoutLossSwitch (switchValue) {switch(switchValue) {case '0': return basePayout break; case '1': {if (currentPayout + (addPayoutLoss) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout + (addPayoutLoss)} break; case '2': {if (currentPayout - (subPayoutLoss) < minPayout) {return minPayout, log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout - (subPayoutLoss)} break; case '3': {if (currentPayout * (mulPayoutLoss) > maxPayout) {return maxPayout, log.error('Maximum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout * (mulPayoutLoss)} break; case '4': {if (currentPayout / (divPayoutLoss) < minPayout) {return minPayout , log.error('Minimum payout reached!')} else return currentPayout / (divPayoutLoss)} break; } } function counterReset(itsZero) {if(itsZero) {gameCounter-- if(!gameCounter) {gameCounter++ return} counterReset(true) } } function winRepCountReset(itsZero) {if(!winRepProvision) {return} if(itsZero) {winRepeatCount++ winRepProvision-- if(!winRepProvision) {return} winRepCountReset(true) } } }
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