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Thank you bc games


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My name is Kevin and I just wanted to say thank you to the people at bc games. I won somewhere around 2.8btc in my first week on this site. If it wasn't for that I would most likely be have to file bankruptcy but that's not the worst part. The stress that I was dealing with on a daily basis was overwhelming effecting every part of my life. It was getting to the point where my own family didn't want to be around me. Winning was something I had given up on and I still can't believe it happen to my me. I want to thank all of you for being a part of bc games.


Kevin W.

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We are so glad that this brought stability and peace to you! Life is unfair and tough at times but trust me better days are always ahead. Never give up on the thought of a better life and that way you will always be winning! Good luck and wishing you the best!


Panda | BC.Game

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