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BC Game Wins Crypto Casino Of The Year - Grab Your Piece of Cake $2000 Giveaway


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My favorite time in bc has been making my firstbtc deposit and immediately hitting and running it up to $500 in a few hours was great. Tks BC

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I remember when I came back to the site after a long time. I was hopeless until I saw the message of 10 free SQUID tokens .. I do not think I can increase this number but that was the sweetest moment of my day on the site that brought it to 1255


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Egypt is my favorite game - hit this beauty before Xmas last year!


Hit many others but biggest one I could find screenshot!

Egypt 3k.JPG


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Bc.game is best casino i ever played its faire with amazing mods and support and amazing people.

I meet very good people one of them is Hitone11 he is a good frend he helped a loot off community .

I hit also a loot in plinko a loot of 1000x

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Another memory I have is that I made a great friend at this casino and he gave me a $ 20,000 gift for my birthday. It was the biggest gift of my life. It was a very good moment

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Congratulations for big reward.


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The Best Moment In BC was the GB Contest in last 2021 Christmas Celebration Promotion Never Forget Till the End of Contest i Get daily Prize One Of my Best Contest every had with a huge Prize money. Any way BC u deserve this award coz u always look  after ur user hope will be more Award In Future.


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My best memory in BC Game was getting 26 Dodge Roll Awards and winning it up to 4,000 Dodges, but I lost in the end, but it was a pity to win 44 explosions and win 2,000 Dodges.😎😎😎😎

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  I love Bcgame i'm best player 



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my great moment in this casino was discovering the great camaraderie between the players and the altruism of some of them, towards others, as in all places there are good and bad people, but here the bad ones are easily detectable, so it is easy to stay with the good companies


mi gran momento en este   casino fue descubrir la gran camaraderia entre los jugadores y el altruismo de algunos de ellos ,hacia los demas , como en todos los sitios hay gente buena y mala ,pero  aqui son facilmente detectables los malos ,asi que es facil quedarse con las buenas compañias

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The best thing that I have been able to get out of this great family is just that, the BC family that makes many afternoons and nights happy! The happiness and good vibes that talking and playing with everyone gives me Chatting with friends after coming from work is something that fills oneself much more than anything else!

Congratulations to this great casino on their victory! And above all, congratulations for making this casino more than just a casino! A great family and a good place to have fun and unwind!🥳🥳🥳🥳💯💯💯✌️✌️✌️✌️

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خیلی پول لازم بودم    و با ترون گردونه  ۱۶۰۰ ترون برنده شدم  واقا از سایت خوبتون ممنونم😍😍😍😍🌹


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Level Upgrade bonus Very Nice,, am always try for next level, because level bonus I like ,, and very good System level increase bonus,, am always like level bonus, thanks Bc Team


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The best times i ever had in this casino was in the spanish chat room just joking around and laughing with everyone including our fav mod in there Source

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My best moment was last year 2021 when i won 500$ from a slot. I started with a 20$ depo, it went to 5$ left and then made aa great run until i withdraw it. I have so much fun with that moment.

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My best memory is finding best friend kako koroosh🌹🌹(kako means bro)

He loves sheep 🐏🐏





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Hello , i m join the bc game more then a 2 year but not getting here any giveaway.. may b this time i won & this is my best moments on bc game  that i won big here like 100$ 😛😛 but i knw i m so u lucky so I cant win a single coins 😭😭

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The best and unexpected moment while playing on bc, it was when I got $1.1k USDC rain even though in the end I gave it back to bankrolls lol


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Bc గేమ్ ఒక అద్భుతం, BC గేమ్ నాకు ఖాతా ఉన్నందుకు చాలా ఆనందంగా ఉంది, BC గేమ్ ఈవెంట్‌లు చాలా అద్భుతంగా ఉన్నాయి, BC క్రష్ గేమ్ అద్భుతం, bcగేమ్ డ్రీమ్ నంబర్ వన్, BC గేమ్ గన్ నా జీవితంలో ఒక భాగం, గంటలు, రోజులు మరియు కూడా BC గేమ్, BC గేమ్ మై లైఫ్ పార్ట్ గురించి చెప్పడానికి సంవత్సరాలు సరిపోవు


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